Thursday, 26 September 2019

How is the family of a person with polycystic kidney disease affected?

Most of the time, a family doesn't even imagine how a genetic disorder can impact on several aspects of life; the first thing is, every member reacts differently to each other. As we all know, to get recovered from a severe health disorder, a patient also needs family support along with proper medications. In other words, a positive psychological approach plays a significant role in the recovery of a health disorder. If a positive environment emotionally supports a patient, his zeal to heal acts as a medicine, and the body responds better to medications and treatment procedures.

In a nutshell, if a patient is taking treatment for a severe health disorder then the behavior of his family members matters a lot to him; if a patient gets a positive response from his family members, his will of getting cured increases and his body takes treatment positively. But if the family members of a patient are worried or stressed due to his health condition, then its negative effect also causes a patient to lose his confidence, and he may feel like he won't get well. Due to this mentality, the treatment won't work as efficiently as it should. Here in this article, we are going to discuss a severe genetic disorder; Polycystic kidney disorder.   

What is polycystic kidney disease?    

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic kidney disorder in which a large number of fluid-filled sacs called cysts to get developed in the kidneys. These cysts are dynamic and hence keep on growing that cause kidneys continuously to get enlarged. Besides, these cysts keep on growing and damage the tissue of the kidney and ultimately destroy the complete kidney tissue and damage the kidneys. As a result, polycystic kidney disease can eventually lead to kidney failure. Polycystic kidney disease is the fourth leading cause of kidney failure. That's why this disease should be detected at its early stage, and adequate treatment should be taken to relieve this health disorder.    

Symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease

When the condition of polycystic kidney disease strikes, a large number of symptoms can appear due to the poor health of the kidneys.

  • Fatigue 
  • Side or back pain  
  • Urinating more than usual 
  • Blood in urine
  • Joint pain 
  • Weakness
  • Poor appetite 
  • Urinary tract infection  
  • Skin problems like itching or dryness                   

A polycystic kidney disease patient may notice any or some of the above symptoms. But you may see these symptoms when this disease reaches its advanced level. So, if you notice any of these factors, you should take action immediately. Otherwise, it may be too late, and the condition can go worse, resulting in kidney failure.

Types of polycystic kidney disease 

Being a genetic kidney disorder, polycystic kidney disease is categorized into two main categories. Those forms of polycystic kidney disease are described below: 

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)- This form of polycystic kidney disease is common, and almost 90 percent of PKD patients suffer from this type of PKD. In this polycystic kidney disease, a person can get this disease from gene mutation when one of his parents has the abnormal gene of the virus.   

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)- This form of polycystic kidney disease is less common, and it affects 1 out of 20,000 children. A person can have this disease only in the condition when both of his parents possess the gene of the virus.     

In Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, the symptoms appear when a patient reaches the age of 30 years or more; the visibility of the signs depends upon the rate of cysts growth. While in Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, the symptoms get visible even before the birth of a baby or right after birth. This form of PKD is more severe as it doesn't allow a kid's organs to develop the way, they should, and a kid may get dead even before his adultness. So, you can understand how severe polycystic kidney disease is and hence, the margin of negligence in this health disorder is almost very less.         

What can be the proper treatment for polycystic kidney disease? 

As far as treatment is concerned, Allopathic therapy in this disease aims to suppress the complications of the disease. This treatment tends only to do not cure them permanently, so the complications may arise again as soon as you leave the surgery. In the severe condition of polycystic kidney disease, this treatment utilizes dialysis and kidney transplant eventually. Both these treatment processes are very complicated in terms of processing, and also they are expensive. If the family of a polycystic kidney disease patient isn't financially healthy, then they should think many times before going for these treatment procedures. It is one of the main problems a family faces when any of the members get such kind of genetic disorder.

The major drawback of polycystic kidney disease is that this treatment method doesn't have the potential to cure polycystic kidney disease permanently, but this treatment method can only slow down the growth of the cysts with medications. In a nutshell, Allopathic treatment doesn't have a sure shot solution of polycystic kidney disease. 

While Ayurveda can be a better treatment option for polycystic kidney disease, Ayurveda tends to cure a health disorder by working on the underlying causes of the disease and also have the potential to fix restore the health of the diseased organs. Ayurveda uses natural herbs and some conventional treatment procedures to cure a health disorder efficiently. In the condition of polycystic kidney disease, Ayurveda uses the same principle and works on the complications of PKD along with rejuvenating the health of the kidneys. The best characteristic of Ayurvedic treatment is that it doesn't utilize any artificial treatment procedure like dialysis or a kidney transplant.

To acquire the most promising Ayurvedic treatment for polycystic kidney disease, you will have to find out for an Ayurvedic kidney treatment center like Karma Ayurveda. It is an Ayurvedic kidney treatment center that has been providing Ayurvedic treatment for all kinds of kidney disorders, including Polycystic kidney disease. To get relieved from polycystic kidney disease, one should go for Ayurvedic polycystic kidney disease treatment.

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